Our showcase workshops

The interactive hands-on workshops, run by volunteer Showcase Ambassadors in the classroom, encourage young people to explore the world’s most pressing human development issues. We show them how they can be part of the solution by becoming engineers.

We believe that if we can successfully demonstrate the difference that engineers can make to people, the communities they live in and the world we all share, then more young people, from more diverse backgrounds, will choose engineering careers.

What students learn

Students learn about the power of engineering to reshape the world around them, its range of real-world applications and the wealth of potential career opportunities it offers.

The workshops span several areas of the curriculum and can broaden the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of pupils or work related learning schemes. All our Showcase Ambassadors are part of the National STEM Ambassador Programme.

There are currently two Showcase Workshops to choose from:

  • Water for Everyone Everywhere
  • Power for Everyone Everywhere

Hold a showcase workshop at schools

Invite our Showcase Ambassadors to give a workshop at your school.

All of the Engineers Without Borders UK  Ambassadors are registered with the National STEM Ambassadors Programme

Become a Showcase Ambassador

Find out how you can become a Showcase Ambassador and teach young people the social purpose of engineering and the vital role it plays in human development.

We believe that if we can successfully demonstrate the difference that engineers can make to people, the communities they live in and the world we all share, then more young people, from more diverse backgrounds, will choose engineering careers.