Why are COY16 and COP26 relevant to engineers?

Engineers have such an important role to play in the fight to protect our planet. COP26 will bring together changemakers from all over the world and decisions made will not only affect future engineering but also, how we correct past mistakes. It’s crucial to recognise that engineering has played a part in leading us to our current situation i.e., the Industrial Revolution, but it is also our way to a brighter and better future. Innovation is at the heart of engineering and it is only through learning from our past mistakes and being part of these conversations, that we will design effective solutions for the diverse community and environment our planet supports. – Cleo, EWB Birmingham

COP26 is a moment for countries to update their plans to tackling climate change. COP26 is therefore extremely important for engineers so they can implement the right solutions for the updated plans with the urgency required. — Adham, EWB Bath

I personally believe the role of engineers is to design and create solutions to problems that benefit people and in turn the planet (as without the planet we would have nowhere to live). If we continue to ignore the issues of climate change then there will be no planet and so engineers who have responsibilities to ensure people have the more efficient ways to travel, communicate, and work, need to start (if they are not already) thinking about ways to implement the above but not to the detriment of the planet. — Toni, EWB Glasgow

What would you like the outcome of the conferences to be?

The global community has acknowledged the climate crisis and begun to make informed commitments to tackle it. What the world now needs is urgent action. I would like to see COP26 become a catalyst for this action, through measures like the Paris Rulebook to lay out clear measures that will help countries address the crisis, and help hold governments accountable for their commitments. — Jack, EWB Oxford

I would like to see an awareness of climate issues and ways in which countries, businesses, individuals can come together for the planet and to not only raise awareness on important issues but be the momentum to carry forward change and news ideas/ways of thinking. But I also want this to not just be a one-off event. COP26 can be an awakening but we have a responsibility to keep moving forward after the November event. — Toni, EWB Glasgow

I’m hoping that COP26 will trigger real action by governments and organisations around the world in the fight against climate change. Our ideal outcome is that the commitments that come out of this conference are radical enough to allow the world to effectively circumvent the consequences of climate change and that countries stick to those commitments. – Klara, EWB Birmingham

Why should the youth voice be presented in these discussions?

The youth will have to live on this planet for longer than the people making these decisions and it will be the young that suffer if wrong decisions are made. It is only fair for the youth and younger generations who will be going into the workforces (having to potentially deal with messes that they didn’t necessarily agree with or make) to be involved. — Toni, EWB Glasgow

The world is constantly changing and so the youth voice provides one of the most crucial perspectives when dealing with issues that will impact the future. We are the generation charged with upholding and delivering on any actions decided now but also, and more importantly, the generation left to deal with the consequences. Involving the youth voice right from the get-go will allow us to design solutions that can effectively meet the needs of those in the future and create positive change. – Cleo, EWB Birmingham

Young people face a different reality to everyone else – they are growing up as extreme climate events become ever more frequent and severe, and they know that worse is to come within their own lifetimes. They are the ones who will have to live with the results of numerous generations’ unsustainable consumption and pollution, which is why their voice is the most important of all. — Jack, EWB Oxford

Why is COP26 relevant to Chapters? 

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