Technology steward

As a technology steward you shape technology to benefit all. Demonstrates ability to navigate complex relationships and inherent tensions to ensure sustainable and equitable results.

Relevant terms: Communication, stewardship, leadership, responsibility for decisions, critical reflection, value tensions

Technology Steward Practice Programme, Techstewardship

12 hours | Online | Self-directed

A programme for post-secondary education to professionals. A series of simple, yet powerful, reflective exercises (practice cycles) that are designed to overlay your technical and innovation efforts.

TS + Focus Areas, Techstewardship

4-6 hours | Online | Self-directed

If you’ve already launched your practice, you can deepen your practice with one of the TS + Focus Area programmes. If you have not yet completed the base Technology Steward Practice Programme but you’re interested in a particular focus, you can complete the base programme with the focus area content integrated.

Explore the programmes

Technology: For all?, Engineers Without Borders UK

1 hour | Online | Self-directed

Watch back the recording of our recent panel discussion – Technology: For all? – featuring three expert panellists who explore what it means to be a Technology Steward.

Watch the recording

Professional value

Professional value means you commit to prioritising social and environmental impact within decision-making. You critically reflect on the role and responsibility of engineering to positively and negatively affect societal change.

Relevant terms: Professional humility, ethics, professional codes of conduct, statement of ethical principles, critical thinking

Globally Responsible Engineering: Exploring the future of engineering, Engineers Without Borders UK

5-6 hours | Online | Self-directed

A virtual experience programme aimed at interrogating the role of engineering, learning about the principles of global responsibility, how to encourage participatory and inclusive outcomes in practice and critically reflecting on your role in ensuring a more safe and just future for all.

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Reshaping Engineering, Engineers Without Borders UK and AzuKo

16-20 hours | Online | Self-directed

Reshaping Engineering is a month-long virtual design challenge that invites student and professional participants from around the world to design solutions that could reshape how engineering is taught and practised, to ensure a safe and just future for all.

Explore the challenge

Sound reasoning

Sound reasoning requires an evidence-based approach to uphold an ethical practice where you handle broad, partial and subjective evidence to make meaningful long-term whole-life assessments.

Relevant terms: Multi-criteria assessment tools, impact assessment tools, critical thinking, independent judgement

SDG Impact Assessment, Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development

2+ hours | Online | Self-directed

A free learning tool that visualises the results from a self-assessment of how an activity, organisation or innovation affect the SDGs. It aims to stimulate the user to get a better understanding of the complexity of sustainable development and the different aspects of the SDGs. In the end you will be better equipped to prioritise actions ahead.

Explore the tool